[GUIDE] How to DirectX 11 Download Windows 7 very Easily

評分5.0(2)·文件大小:6.05MB;发布日期:2000-2-17;工程于:Windows95/Windows98/Windows2000/WindowsXP/WindowsVista/WindowsVistax64 ...,FileSize:5.99MB;DateReleased:Dec8,1999;Workson:Windows95 ...,IsthereawayIcandownloaddirectxversion7ontomycomputerrunni...。參考影片的文章的如下:


下载DirectX 7.0 for - OldVersion.com

評分 5.0 (2) · 文件大小: 6.05 MB; 发布日期: 2000-2-17; 工程于: Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows Vista x64 ...

Download DirectX 7.0a for Windows

File Size: 5.99 MB; Date Released: Dec 8, 1999; Works on: Windows 95 ...

Directx 7 for windows 7?

Is there a way I can download directx version 7 onto my computer running windows 7? I would like to be able to run an old game called ...

Windows 7 是否內建DirectX11?

Windows 7 已內建內建DirectX11 備註:如何查詢目前的DirectX 的版本及相關資料呢呢? 請執行dxdiag 即可查詢.

How hard would it be to port a directx 7 application to run on ...

A DX7 app should still run on Windows 7, I can't think of what odd features you may have used that would cause it to break. Also converting an ...

DirectX 7 & VB6 on windows 7

According to the Microsoft knowledge base http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971028 you can't run this program on win7.

Running old Directx7 game

I have an old pc game that requires DirectX 7 and Windows 98/2000. When I try running it on Windows 7, it doesn't work. Where can I find the DirectX 7 ...

如何安裝DirectX 最新版本

Windows 7 或以前版本 · 按一下[開始],在[搜尋] 方塊中輸入dxdiag。 · 點選或按一下結果中的[dxdiag]。 · 在報告的第一頁中,查看[系統資訊] 區段的[DirectX 版本]。

Microsoft為Windows 7加入DirectX 12支援

也因為如此,微軟目前尚未正式釋出DirectX 12 Runtime for Windows 7。 不過,好玩的是,到底微軟還想不想讓Win7繼續存活呢?從DX12的下放等同讓Win7具備了更 ...


DirectX被廣泛用於Microsoft Windows、Microsoft Xbox電子遊戲開發,並且只能支援這些平台。除了遊戲開發之外,DirectX亦被用於開發許多虛擬三維圖形相關軟體。


評分5.0(2)·文件大小:6.05MB;发布日期:2000-2-17;工程于:Windows95/Windows98/Windows2000/WindowsXP/WindowsVista/WindowsVistax64 ...,FileSize:5.99MB;DateReleased:Dec8,1999;Workson:Windows95 ...,IsthereawayIcandownloaddirectxversion7ontomycomputerrunningwindows7?Iwouldliketobeabletorunanoldgamecalled ...,Windows7已內建內建DirectX11備註:如何查詢目前的DirectX的版本及相關資料呢呢?請執行dxdiag即可查詢...